HOME > Strategy > DomiNations





Big Huge Games, Inc.




Android iOS



Tips: Wage war and lead your army to victory. Base building meets online PVP battles

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Birdie's Review

DomiNations, developed by Big Huge Games, is a gripping strategy game that transports you to different eras of our world's history. You start from an early settlement and cultivate it into a global empire, experimenting with different cultures and innovations along the way. As you advance, you encounter some of history's most iconic leaders like Leonardo Da Vinci and Catherine the Great, getting a chance to learn and progress under their tutelage. Engage in epic battles, lay your strategic warfare and experience the exhilaration of conquering nations.

Command the field as you wage wars against your enemies for valuable resources and territorial gains. Stand your ground as one of eight fearsome nations, each with its unique strengths.,Accumulate wealth and empower your city by successfully undertaking historic battle campaigns that take you through the annals of time.,Engage in intense PVP combat and test your military strategies against the most formidable opponents. You can also form alliances to conquer enemies collectively.,Cultivate and grow your metropolis by researching new materials, developing advanced weaponry, and promoting trade. You can also level up by making scientific discoveries.

One of the best parts about DomiNations is its amalgamation of thrill, strategy, and history. It not only serves as an entertaining game but also sparks an interest in world history.,The game boasts of a highly engaging environment with dynamic battle strategies, enticing events, and seamless gameplay. It's an ideal game for those who enjoy strategic planning and alliance-building.


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